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Popular Movie Cars

‌‌I have three kids. Boys, aged 12,11 and 8. They like a whole bunch of stuff. I’m not sure they have thought of their futures beyond what might be for dinner this evening and it would be nice if they had something resembling a plan or a dream. The middle boy is the wildest boy. He can draw. Maybe he’ll take that ability and combine it with his satirical sense of humor and push-the-boundaries personality and become a graphic designer. Or a car designer.

3 Simple Ways to Care for Your Car Tires

‌‌Functional tires play a crucial role in the effective operation of a sound car but very often they are the underdogs when it comes to the overall car maintenance. It is not uncommon to find a flashy car with poorly maintained tires. Tires designed to be strong and durable may soon give in to wear and tear in the face of brute friction from roads accompanied with poor maintenance. Ideally, tires are to be changed every … month and a visit to a mechanic or car tire specialist should be made at least once in 6 months. You can spare yourself some unexpected spending and keep your car tires in the right condition by paying attention to these 3 simple care tips for your tires;

How to File a Car Insurance Claim

‌A car insurance claim can be described as a form of request directed to an insurance company for compensation after accidents happen and damages have been sustained. Insurance claims cover damages sustained after a car accident or for representation especially on the insured’s behalf, when the damages can be traced to them. Here are the steps to follow if you wish to know how to file an insurance claim since car repairs are expensive.

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